And again a big THANK YOU for answering our second poll: you were 49 sweethearts! Amongst you, 44% believe that the ideal number of children is 3, 24% think it's 4 (TRUE!) and 22% 2.
Knowing that Sacha has 2 and Ella 1, although we might not be the universal referent, it is quite obvious that our dreams surrender reality. That said, the Office of National Statistics confirms this with a fertily rate at 1.96 (highest since 1973 but too low to renew population). It is also worth mentionning an average age for Mummies of 29.3 years old and a decent number of births with 708 711 newborns in 2008 for Great Britain. And for baby names, the top is Jack and Olivia in 2008.
Looking at your french neighbours, statistics are quite similar with a fertiliy rate at 2.01 and the "average Mum" aged 29.9 years old (2008 forecast). France is also experiencing a Baby Boom with 834 000 births in 2008.
(only in french for the moment): http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/tableau.asp?reg_id=0&ref_id=NATnon02231
And now, as Apolline, 3, asks "do you know what would please me Mummy?": answer our new poll: Yes/No to spanking!
Take care,
Sacha & Ella