First of all, we would like to thank you all for your participation to the poll, and also your feedback by email. You were 43 (that is a start!) to vote for your beloved shoe brands for your kids.
Marques evoquees (brands that were mentionned): Start, Rite, Crocs, Ugg, Aster, Birkenstock, Adidas, Nike, Kickers, Clarks, Ikks et "Autre/Other".
En tete de liste "Autre" remporte la victoire avec 30% des preferences: ce qui prouve que notre selection de marques n'etait pas pertinente! En effet, il manquait des marques comme Geox, Spring Court, Converse, et surement d'autres!
And the winner is: "Other" with 30% of votes: that proves that our choice of brands was not very relevant! Indeed, some of them were missing like Geox, Spring Court, Converse and probably more!
Ensuite la palme revient a Start Rite (27%) et Kickers (23%), le reste etant partage entre 11% et 6% de part de marche.
Then come Start Rite (27%) and Kickers (23%), the other sharing between 11% and 6% of market share.
Merci encore pour vos suggestions et remarques. Et n'oubliez pas de repondre a notre nouvelle enquete: quel est le nombre ideal d'enfants?
Merci encore pour vos suggestions et remarques. Et n'oubliez pas de repondre a notre nouvelle enquete: quel est le nombre ideal d'enfants?
Thanks again for your suggestions and comments. And don't forget to answer our new poll: what is the ideal number of children?
Sacha and Ella
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