Monday, 29 June 2009


Tout d'abord un grand merci pour votre participation au sondage, ainsi que votre feedback par mail.Vous avez ete 43 (c'est un debut!) a voter pour vos marques de chaussures preferees pour vos enfants.
First of all, we would like to thank you all for your participation to the poll, and also your feedback by email. You were 43 (that is a start!) to vote for your beloved shoe brands for your kids.

Marques evoquees (brands that were mentionned): Start, Rite, Crocs, Ugg, Aster, Birkenstock, Adidas, Nike, Kickers, Clarks, Ikks et "Autre/Other".

En tete de liste "Autre" remporte la victoire avec 30% des preferences: ce qui prouve que notre selection de marques n'etait pas pertinente! En effet, il manquait des marques comme Geox, Spring Court, Converse, et surement d'autres!
And the winner is: "Other" with 30% of votes: that proves that our choice of brands was not very relevant! Indeed, some of them were missing like Geox, Spring Court, Converse and probably more!

Ensuite la palme revient a Start Rite (27%) et Kickers (23%), le reste etant partage entre 11% et 6% de part de marche.
Then come Start Rite (27%) and Kickers (23%), the other sharing between 11% and 6% of market share.

Merci encore pour vos suggestions et remarques. Et n'oubliez pas de repondre a notre nouvelle enquete: quel est le nombre ideal d'enfants?
Thanks again for your suggestions and comments. And don't forget to answer our new poll: what is the ideal number of children?

Bien a vous, Take care!
Sacha and Ella

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